Tag Archives: Foodstand

Change Food and Purpose Host “Storytelling and Food” Event

Change Food recently teamed up with Foodstand, a project of Purpose, to present “Storytelling and Food,” an event that asked the question, “What power do stories have in creating a better food system?”

We heard from five artists working in a variety of media, each of whom shared their work and how they are using it to make people think, question, learn, or, in the words of one presenter, “re-engage with food.” After the presentations, a panel discussion explored the role of art in the food movement.

Tattfoo Tan

Tattfoo Tan

Artist Tattfoo Tan uses a variety of media and platforms to develop “projects that are ephemeral and conceptual in nature.” The projects he shared grew out of his desire to learn how to eat better. “Everything I do is for my own good,” he told the audience.

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